For over 30 years, the Association has acted as a conduit and representative voice for its members in connection with the development and promotion of government policies and programs that increase waste diversion and recycling and move towards the development of a circular economy.
As an active participant in the waste management services sector in B.C., WMABC members have and continue to provide a critical role in the delivery of efficient and cost-effective waste diversion, recycling and disposal services for the municipal and the industrial, commercial and institutional (IC&I) sectors.
As an industry, we are particularly proud of our leadership role in waste diversion across the province.
The members of the WMABC play a pivotal role in enhancing the diversion of materials in both the municipal and IC&I sectors by providing our strengths in logistics and infrastructure to collect and process these materials in an environmentally responsible manner and return them to the economy as secondary resources. We regard these as examples of a sustainable approach to resource reallocation and promotion of a circular economy.